Introducing MetaLords Finance

Welcome to MetaLords Finance!
If you are here, you are probably already seen and invested in other OHM-Forks, if not, we welcome you to the most profitable and attractive investments in the crypto space.
What are we?
At the base level we are an OHM-inspired fork, but our vision is to become more than just a fork. Olympus DAO has proven to have built a successful business model, which has made them acquire a market capitalization of +3billion. After studying how this model works, we realized that we could leverage and innovate on their model to become the first of its kind Metaverse Real Estate Investment DAO (REID).
Who are we?
We are industry experts that have been working in real estate industry with a combined 25 years of experience. Our team consists of experts in real estate investing, buying & selling, as well as real estate tech developers.
As part of our extended team we have included experienced web3.0 developers & crypto enthusiasts.
Even though we have a well established team, we want this project to be a true DAO, therefore our team will include everyone who wants to participate and once we launch, token holders will have a vote.
- Presale (private): February 8, 2022
- Presale (public): February 9, 2022
- DApp Launch: February 10, 2022

What are we doing different?
Throughout history, land ownership has always been a symbol of power. The strongest and most intelligent were able to claim and conquer it. Most of our history revolves around the acquiring of real estate. Clans fought for it, kingdoms fought for it, countries now a days fight for it, and the sole reason they fight is because it is worth it. Land has been and will always be limited in supply, at least until Elon Musk gets us to Mars and other planets. But until that day happens, land will remain with a fixed amount therefore will forever appreciate in value.
“Humans have a condition of always wanting more in a world with limited resources”.
As of today, the rules have had been written even before we could walk, but now, thanks to blockchain technology, new possibilities have emerged. Now the metaverse is being created, where new virtual worlds have started to emerge and are becoming a new force in the real estate industry. If you had the chance of going back in time, when New York was being built, you would probably buy a big chunk of land in time square or fifth avenue. Now, we have that possibility, and even better, as a DAO, we can join forces and own blocks of land, shops, billboards and not only in one virtual world but in many of them. Oh, and let’s not stop there, why not, together we can create our own metaverse world. The possibilities are endless. We are lucky to be living in the new decentralized era because it is here to stay. Why should we fight for land but instead share the ownership? Together we are stronger and that’s why we will are creating MetaLords DAO.
So, what are we doing different? Our focus is to become the landlords of the metaverse by creating a real estate cryptocurrency fund which will operate as a Decentralized Autonomous Organization and will leverage the Olympus DAO algorithmic model. This means that by investing in MetaLords Finance you will be able to vote on what type of investments will be made.
We will create a MetaLord agents’ role that will be in charge of searching for real estate opportunities and propose them to the DAO. From land to billboards, we will own the metaverse.
More information on how this will work we’ll be explained on upcoming articles and be posted on our twitter account.
Unite et vincite.
Twitter: @Metalordfinance