MetaLords Explorers.
Our Elite Team of Explorers of the Metaverse.

As a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) we strongly believe in the power of the people. The key players in this project are the people, the MetaLords community. As part of this core belief we have created a special role for the brave and bold in our community. This role is called MetaLords Explorers.
In simple terms MetaLords Explorers will be in charge of exploring the Metaverse in search of “gems”, interesting investment opportunities. These investment opportunities will vary, it could be a special NFT opportunity, skins, billboards, land, etc.
The MetaLords Explorers will then promote the investment opportunity through the DAO. There will be a specific process on how to promote an investment opportunity. The investment proposed definitely has to make sense and for that there will always be a Superior Council, composed of high stake investment members of the DAO that will filter these opportunities. Base lines regarding the process of promotion and setup of the Superior Council will be set closer to Launch.
Once filtered they will then be put out for the DAO to decide on which ones to invest first.
How to incentivize MetaLords Explorers and their vital work of exploration? We have decided to set a sales commission over the asset, the sales commission has been set at 3%. This sales commission is on the re-sale value
How would this commission work? For example, let’s say that one of our MetaLords Explorers identifies a gem and we are able to enter a presale for a piece of land, or they identify a presale of an NFT. If the DAO decides it is a good opportunity then we proceed with the investment, we buy the piece of land, the NFT, whatever it is.
The end goal would be for this asset to have a resale value higher than the initial price we paid for. The 3% commission would be calculated on the whole value of the asset once it is sold by us. This makes it really interesting to be a MetaLords Explorer.
Let’s put numbers to it. Let’s say we buy an NFT for $10k usd and we end up selling that same NFT at $50k usd, the MetaLord Explorer who found that opportunity will then receive 3% over that $50k which would be $1.5k usd.
Key note: ANYONE with a stake or investment in MetaLords DAO can apply to become a MetaLord Explorer.
More information and surprises to come regarding this project. Stay tuned!
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Unite et vicinte!🧑🚀🚀